A weekend of no work and a lot of play was to be had last weekend. As it was my birthday (23!) we managed to get the weekend off to enjoy! Braam, one of our lovely South Africans (who we are eternally grateful to for ever and ever for all his support and help!) returned for the weekend from Kinshasa to make up our numbers again, and Martin (our other South African who we will also be eternally grateful for ever and ever to for all his support and help!) was not in his usual place in the bush but here in Goma so the four of us were back together again! After Braam had a troublesome time with the flight from Kinsasha and after a very welcomed breakfast in bed from Nicole, afternoon arrived and time to begin! Spoilt rotten as usual, we unwrapped our goodies brought from Kinsasha- and what more could we ask for, the things we long for that are nowhere to be found in Goma! Earl grey tea, grapefruit juice, douwe egbert’s coffee. Utter bliss! And to top it off we had newspapers galore and a cardboard box! (Rarities never seen in Goma). After a drunken night out at Coco Jambo’s and a relaxing day by the lakeside at Le Chalet (eating Greek salad with FETA cheese! Mmm!) The weekend was topped off by a magical day at the Kivu Sun, a very posh hotel in Rwanda, bordering the lake. It appears the volcano abides by the borders of countries – on the Goma side of the border, there is nothing but grey rocks, as soon as you step over into Rwanda there are masses of trees, grass, birds, bats – proper nature! Everything we needed to make us smile! A very welcome relief after seeing only a few eucalyptus trees for the past 3 months. If we are to stay sane here in the land of volcanic rock we definitely need to visit there more often! Some clever little devil managed to open my camera, take out the batteries and close it again whilst I was on the phone at the border, but other than that we had no mishaps and had a great weekend! Thank you guys for a perfect birthday!
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