Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Tess: Les Tortues

After having two tortoises arrive, we also had an arrival of 2 terrapins to join the reptilian crew. And shortly after arrival of one of the tortoises, it was discovered he had a dead leg so Carmen swiftly amputated the rotting flesh… he still walks fine even with a bit of a limp!
I had an incident with big bad boy Cherif recently (for those of you who know him, Cherif is the double of Billy Styles in the animal kingdom!) I was being nicely groomed by the more gentler Gentil, and being away with the faeries was unaware as Cherif came charging up the enclosure, grabbed my head through the bars and smashed it against the metal! My own fault really! No permanent damage… well we’ll see next time I have to do something mentally taxing….

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