Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Tess: Farewell....

Sorry it's been a while, things have been a bit hectic and not much time since a certain girl from Germnay deserted us! But now I've gone and done the same... Carmen is now all alone to cope by herself. I left 2 days ago, I'm staying in Bunia for 2 weeks with Piere the Little Fish before i return home in 3 WEEKS! i can't believe it. I am happy but sad, i miss Pablo peeing and cacking in my bed already...
And a bad time to leave it was... Carmen had been at a meeting in Kigali for a week, and with the doc off with the broken leg, it was down to Dr Tess and Dr Balume if anything went wrong! Only a few bruises and scrapes so all was well. Carmen returned on the monday i left... thank the lord. All hell flippin let loose! The red tails had a fight, 4 got bitten, a couple needing stitches, and then one of the buggers escaped! All before Carmen arrived, so she had a nice time of it as soon as she got back. After she stitched up 2 monkeys and was one her way to the 3rd, i had to leave in the taxi so all was a bit emtotional! Fingers crossed she is doing ok!
Anybody fancy going to the Congo for a while? The next volunteer isn't coming until end of August, i think Carmen might not survive until then!


They say it's a cold world said...

I don't find any contact information on your blog, but I will be in Kigali for most of July and have a couple weeks at the end of July / beginning of August, at which time I am hoping to visit the Congo. Don't know if your request for volunteers was in earnest, but you could drop me a line at donflan (at) yahoo (dot) com.

Rochelle Bishop said...

Hey Tess,
Thanks for keeping us updated with what has been happening at Lwiro. The photos are great and we all miss everyone and all the babies too. We have started organising our own fundraising, so hopefully more money will come soon and who knows maybe another visit!Hope you are well and not suffering too much in that horrible weather in England.
Big hugs
Rochelle and the Taronga crew xxx