Today it was the 5 vervets (Simba, Chui, Duma, Mama Lwiro and Lwiro) turn to move. The big male Simba was sedated and moved first. Then the 2 boys Chui and Duma were tranquilised along with Mama Lwiro. They had a health check, my god their canine teeth are huge, and moved across to join Simba. Baby Lwiro clung to his mum the whole time, he looked very confused with what was going on, but Pablo reversed the sedatives and Mama was in the trees within seconds. Simba took a little longer to come around, but there were no problems, and they were very happy with their new home, swinging, playing and jumping around.

Later that day the ICCN (Institute for Conservation of Congolese Nature) arrived with a young male Baboon. He had been confiscated from someone trying to sell him in a market. We noticed he had an old fracture in one of his legs that had healed again at an odd angle. We also thought he may have had some broken ribs, as every time you touched his chest he would flinch a lot. He was also very emaciated and weak. Unfortunately, he had an incident in the car with the ICCN where a pot of white paint had spilled all over him, he was covered! He was sedated so we could check him over and wash the paint off, which may have been difficult without him sleeping as he was very scared. He was put into a cage to rest and eat, but it became clear just how friendly he was people, he didn’t sleep unless he was being stroked! We decided that he would benefit from some one to one attention and took him out for hugs everyday, which he loved! He had been found in a village called Kalonge, and, yes, you’ve guessed it, we named him Kalonge!