Saturday, January 5, 2008

Alexa: Poor Gari

Pablo had noticed that one of the baby chimps, Gari, had a bad tooth, where the gum seemed to be receding more everyday. We decided the best course of action would be to anesthetise him and take a closer look. The next day poor Gari had to go without bananas and milk in the morning, he was taken to a separate enclosure where he played with his keeper Kaleshe. With the help of Balume and Kaleshe, Pablo managed to inject the sedative without having to dart Gari. Pablo found that he had an infection in the tooth and it was starting to rot. He removed the tooth and cleaned up around it, you could see Gari’s big tooth waiting to come through. Gari came back around in the arms of Balume and seemed content to have long hugs. He recovered well and is happy again with the other baby chimps.

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