Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Tess: Our Pablo

Pablo has made massive improvements since his arrival. He is no longer the colour of Casper the friendly ghost, he has sharply gained the oh so common buddah belly of the babies, and cacks like a trooper! The first day we saw him laugh was a day to remember and brought a lasting smile to all our faces. No longer clinging (quite as much) to mama Carmen, he is becoming used to his environment and opening up. He had his first adventure inside with the Goma group, with the protection of Balume of course! Think he was a little overwhelmed but when he finally joins I’m sure he’ll be grand! His eating is great, first his favourite was zinziber (red things that taste like ginger), then cabbage and now he’s on to tomatoes! He’s caused a few problems in the amount of washing powder we use with his expertise in nappy removal at night just before he cacks, his intense ability to suck the blood from your veins every time you turn over in your sleep, and his darn teeth when he sees Carmen but can’t get to her! He’s got a nasty little bite when he wants! At least he’ll be able to look after himself when he joins the others!His innate masculine ways are revealing themselves already…. The idea was our gentle, princess Kanibiro would become his adopted mother, as she has done with Muhungu. A trip to the forest with the pair revealed Pablo had other ideas…. Jiggy jiggy was his first response to contact with Kanibiro! And worryingly he has also begun the same with the petite Kidigo…. At least it’s better than him trying to eat her brains I guess!

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